Jen's August Recap

Hi Alpine Fit friends,

Where to begin with a monthly recap? SO much has happened, let's at least skim the surface.

Cake party - celebrating my birthday, joining 1% for the Planet and getting Climate Neutral Certified! That happened first week of August.

Backpacking for my birthday - I had a beautiful trip over a 3-day weekend in Wrangell St. Elias National Park. It really felt like an adventure to cross streams endlessly, see no other people, and get through a scary scree section without anything bad happening. A true adventure indeed when you overcome something scary. I would have been happy to have avoided the truly terrifying part though!

PCT Days - we had a booth for the first time at Pacific Crest Trail Days in Cascade Locks Oregon. It was ridiculously fun. We rubbed shoulders with other awesome brands in the backpacking and thru-hiking industry, met a ton of new customers, met some people in real life that we had connected with online, and enjoyed some time on the trail after all was said and done. We'd love to go back again next year and make it a tradition. We a fantastic time hanging out with our booth neighbors CNOC Outdoors who make ultralight collapsible water bottles and reservoirs as well as Diorite carbon trekking poles made in USA. Our other neighbors included the repair team from Thermarest / MSR / Cascade Designs. Very cool to see a bigger company that has been in the industry for decades supporting repairs and replacement of their products! We also enjoyed seeing some like-minded women-led brands Tough Cutie, Purple Rain Skirts and Kula Cloth.

Tomorrow THURSDAY AUGUST 24TH from 5-10pm we have a booth at ShredMaiden Queens of the Hill event at Hilltop Bike Park (aka Hilltop Ski Area) here in Anchorage. We found out that our friends over at Skhoop are having their epic annual tent sale at the event and we decided to follow suit and hold our FIRST-EVER sample sale in our booth! Some one of a kind things, special colors, discontinued styles and more will be available for prices ranging up to and beyond 50% OFF!! Come visit. Also, there's a DJ, beer garden, food, MTB skills clinics and group rides!

Favorite/bestselling gear at PCT Days?
Everybody's favorite for lightweight adventures:
The Nordic Anywhere Merino Wool Hat

The month isn't even over yet! 

Happy adventuring,

-Jen + the Alpine Fit Team

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